Empower SME Businesses
Through FINTENSE Omnichannel Digital Banking Platform

We help financial institutions to build successful partnerships with small and medium businesses. Thanks to our unique FINTENSE ,Omnichannel digital banking platform solutions and the simplification of digital processes, you will be able to upgrade SME businesses and make them your loyal customers.

Segmentation by
Business Size or Industry

SME companies from different industries usually have dissimilar requirements when it comes to digital banking services. By creating a focused set of functionalities for every industry type (retail, transportations, services, etc.), the bank can successfully provide services to all of their SME customers. Banks often work with micro, small and medium enterprises that recognize the importance of digitalizing their services. Micro and small enterprises usually have simple financial needs and pre-defined products. Medium enterprises require more advanced processes, have more complex financial needs, and usually need third-party integrations and advanced payment authorization.

The Banks of
The Future

By advising SME businesses, banks can achieve high-level cooperation and drive digital changes. This way, cooperation between SME businesses and the bank will be more successful with the mutual goal – simplification of the digital process. A future engagement model between the two includes setting up a business plan that is in line with the SME business’s goals and makes it easier for the bank to engage with their needs. We are helping banks to build collaboration with small and medium businesses which is mutually beneficial.

Multi Approval
Onboarding Process

SME businesses can also open an online account through an expanded process comparing to the one for individual customers. FINTENSE engine supports complex onboarding processes with parallels branches for all authorized company representatives, allowing them to perform their side of KYC and give the onboarding approval. 

Single Person,
Multi-Company Access

Individuals can be assigned as employees or authorized users for multiple companies. They can use the same credentials to access everything, without having to log-in again. This functionality is especially convenient for accounting agencies and businesses that share the same accounting department. 

Best Solutions for Banks
Helping SME Businesses

SME businesses are developing fast and want to get more loyal customers through efficient services and simplified digital processes. As their bank, we understand that you want to support them with the best solutions. We can help you with:

  • Upgrading user experience in the retail industry 
  • Simple Authentication
  • Quick Payments
  • Fast and simple processes for loans, guarantees, invoicing, etc. 

Benefits of
Our FINTENSE ,Omnichannel Digital Banking Platform

We are dedicated to building customized FINTENSE solutions that will help you upgrade SME businesses and make them your loyal customers. The benefits are:

  • The digital sales that deliver pre-designed, optimized and automatized key products 
  • Business advisory through video call module
  • Business finance module providing cash flow analysis, forecasts, budgeting, etc. 
  • Business enablement ecosystem that empowers SME’s (insurance, customer service, tax/accounting advisory, etc.) 

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