Team Building Malta 2024 | NF Innova

April 22, 2024by Marija0

Team Building Malta 2024


Team Building Malta 2024

Published: 22. April 2024.
Category: Events

Four days filled with inspiration,
teamwork, and fun!

NF Innova had a special destination for its team building activities- Malta! We truly had an amazing time during our trip. Four days filled with inspiration, teamwork, and fun!

Everyone’s dedication to the activities and their team spirit was truly impressive. Stepping out of our comfort zones with the challenging exercises from the Development Center team demonstrated that we’re not just strong individuals but an incredible team when we work together.

Throughout these four days, we reaffirmed our core values: “Proactivity,” “Learning and Development,” “Mentoring and Helping Others,” “Responsibility,” and “Entrepreneurship.”

Overall, it was a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to many more in the future!

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Four days filled with inspiration,
teamwork, and fun!

NF Innova had a special destination for its team building activities- Malta! We truly had an amazing time during our trip. Four days filled with inspiration, teamwork, and fun!

Everyone’s dedication to the activities and their team spirit was truly impressive. Stepping out of our comfort zones with the challenging exercises from the Development Center team demonstrated that we’re not just strong individuals but an incredible team when we work together.

Throughout these four days, we reaffirmed our core values: “Proactivity,” “Learning and Development,” “Mentoring and Helping Others,” “Responsibility,” and “Entrepreneurship.”

Overall, it was a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to many more in the future!

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