Agile Methodologies in Digital Banking: Overcoming Challenges and Driving Innovation | NF Innova

July 2, 2024by Marija0

Agile Methodologies in Digital Banking:
Overcoming Challenges and Driving Innovation


Agile Methodologies in Digital Banking:
Overcoming Challenges and Driving Innovation

Published: 02. July 2024.
Category: Webinars

OTP Banka & NF Innova

Vuk Kosovac, Executive Board Member at OTP Banka Srbija
Gregor Bierent, Chief Executive Officer at NF Innova

How Digital Transformation and Fintech Innovation are Redefining Banking:
Insights from OTP Banka Srbija

In today’s digital banking landscape, where innovative players like Revolut are redefining customer experience, we witness a substantial reduction in traditional bank branches. This raises the question: Do we still need physical locations in an era dominated by online banking?

Transitioning from traditional banking to a fully digital model is not as straightforward as it may seem. To gain insights into the challenges faced by financial services and end-users in this dynamic market, we consulted with our client, OTP Banka Srbija, a leader in digital transformation.

Mr. Vuk Kosovac, an Executive Board Member of one of the region’s most advanced banks, openly discussed the challenges his team faced on their digital banking journey.

In this webinar, you will learn more about the collaboration between banks and fintech companies, as well as exemplary applications of agile methodology in the development of digital banking solutions. Topics will include embedded finance, contactless payments, and the importance of optimizing customer experience in a competitive online banking environment.

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OTP Banka & NF Innova

Vuk Kosovac, Executive Board Member at OTP Banka Srbija
Gregor Bierent, Chief Executive Officer at NF Innova

How Digital Transformation and Fintech Innovation are Redefining Banking:
Insights from OTP Banka Srbija

In today’s digital banking landscape, where innovative players like Revolut are redefining customer experience, we witness a substantial reduction in traditional bank branches. This raises the question: Do we still need physical locations in an era dominated by online banking?

Transitioning from traditional banking to a fully digital model is not as straightforward as it may seem. To gain insights into the challenges faced by financial services and end-users in this dynamic market, we consulted with our client, OTP Banka Srbija, a leader in digital transformation.

Mr. Vuk Kosovac, an Executive Board Member of one of the region’s most advanced banks, openly discussed the challenges his team faced on their digital banking journey.

In this webinar, you will learn more about the collaboration between banks and fintech companies, as well as exemplary applications of agile methodology in the development of digital banking solutions. Topics will include embedded finance, contactless payments, and the importance of optimizing customer experience in a competitive online banking environment.

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